Wednesday, January 31, 2018

III APAVAC Literary Contest 2018 RULES

III APAVAC Literary Contest 2018 RULES

III APAVAC Literary Contest 2018 RULES
1-Entries will be limited to 10 per category; amounting to a total of 40 submissions per school.

2-Categories will be as follows:(A 10% margin of words will be allowed). Word count will be between 100 and 300 words for ALL CATEGORIES
5&6 primaria
1&2 ESO
3&4 ESO
Batx & Ciclos Formativos
3-All entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and based on an original idea and by submitting, you are confirming that the work is your own. No modifications and /or translations of a published work will be allowed. Any evidence to the contrary will result in immediate disqualification.

4-Entries will be typed ; handwritten entries will not be entertained

5-APAVAC  will not correspond with contestants. All communication  will be through the corresponding English  teacher.

6-All schools in Comunidad Valenciana are invited to send entries.

7-APAVAC will design a jury whose decision will be final.

8-Ownership of stories remains with the authors but by submitting them, entrants allow APAVAC to publish them in any form.

9-Letters will start with the following opening:    Dear teacher

10- Entries will be in English

Welcome to III APAVAC Literary Contest


Dear Teachers of English,

APAVAC, your English Teachers Association in Valencian Community is proud to present our Third APAVAC Literary Contest in English for students in València, Castelló & Alacant. 

Find about our association by clicking  HERE.

We are counting on you, English teachers to participate. This year’s task is in the form of a letter addressed to a teacher.

There are four different prizes, each one corresponding roughly to an age group. There is also a special gift for the winning schools.

For the teachers of the winning students we are giving away a one-year free membership to our association APAVAC.

There is a  limit to the number of entries of ten per category; i.e. up to forty (40) in total per school.

Closing date for submissions: 18 April 2018
Winners list published : 30 April 2018
Awards Ceremony: end of May 2018

Find in separate posts the poster and rules . The form to be completed with the student’s text has been mailed to schools. Teachers should  e-mail us with one attachment per letter  to:

Find the list of winners and details of the venue for the awards  ceremony at the following dedicated blog:

We hope this third edition will be of help in the struggle to continue inspiring our students. Thanks for your dedication.

If you want to CONTRIBUTE TO THE EFFORT , joining  APAVAC is just a click away. 
The Contest Team


                          III APAVAC LITERARY CONTEST 2018